Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is Faith Enough?

In the latest issue of Essence, TD Jakes wrote a short article ("Get Lifted Out of Harm's Way" I don't believe this is available online) questioning if his advice for women to just keep praying for their marriage and abusive husbands actually made the women feel trapped in an unsafe marriage. I thought this was an interesting topic...maybe not in the same context of marriage but just in any stressful or tough situations in life. This just makes me question, just how far can faith go before the individual needs to take action? Can it sometimes get in the way of progress?

*This is not meant to question or criticize anybody's religion
*All honest opinions are welcome
*While I don't feel scriptures are needed, if anyone feels they absolutely need to quote one, please make sure it's relevant, supported, and in context.